Monday, October 22, 2007

Spiral of thoughts

Hey blog,

It has been quite some time since I last updated you with my queer thoughts. Wonder if these are queer thoughts at all. Why is that I address these thoughts as queer in the first place? Do I wish being queer to be my identity or belong to a larger group and society? Why is that I don’t find an echo of my thoughts quite so often? It’s been long since I heard a resonating voice around me. A voice that may balm me, say “I listen to what you said and I agree.” Why is that I end up being in silence n turmoil while most queer men around me are perhaps content being the way they are? Are these men really content with the million threads interwoven into a bizarre pattern called life?

It’s a complex equation with n number of variables at play and z number of results, given the vastly differentiated set of our social fabric. Life is intriguing, sometimes funny, a few times painful, and mostly unpredictable. These 3 words define my set of experiences and that’s how I look at life at present. Two years down the line I will look back at these words and would like to say, “Life is what you want to make it…”. So my life is under construction at the moment.